
The word "srill" is more than just a name; it represents a combination of words that hold personal meaning and inspiration to me. The inspiration for "srill" is rooted in the art form of surrealism, which seeks to transform human experience by delving into the inner mind and creating unconventional and unsettling imagery, creating illogical and unnerving scenes while expressing the unconscious mind. This is precisely what I aim to achieve with my work.

Furthermore, "srill" also incorporates a play on the word "real," which originated from the street culture I grew up in through breaking (commonly known as “breakdancing”). The essence of being true to oneself and authentic is critical to me, and this is what "real" represents.

Lastly, "rill" signifies a trickle in a small stream, symbolizing my current status as a budding creative, hoping to develop and flow into the vast oceans of creativity, generating waves of inspiration in the future.

The creation of the word "srill" not only holds personal significance but also embodies my creative philosophy, emphasizing the importance of expressing oneself genuinely and authentically through imagination and subconscious exploration.



Creative Direction

Art Direction


Brand Identity

Logo Design

Web Design

Brand Guidelines

Content Creation

